The school began in an old disused former school building near the Met Office in Glasnevin in 1970.


Scoil Chiarain is a special school under the patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin and derives it’s name from St. Ciaran, a saint associated with the locality. Founded in 1970, the school is officially recognised by the Department of Education & Science and offers specialist education to boys and girls of primary and post-primary age from the area of North Dublin, city and county.


The main purpose of the school is to assist children with a mild general learning disability to develop socially and educationally to the maximum of their potential in a stimulating and friendly atmosphere. The school aims to provide the widest range of learning experiences at every stage of development for all students.


To meet individual learning needs the number of students per class is limited (generally 8 – 12 pupils) and children are grouped according to age. Individual Education Plans are drawn up for each student. A wide variety of teaching techniques and methodologies are used with an emphasis on practical activities. Personal and Social Development forms an important and integral part of school programmes at all levels. We are constantly working to ensure that facilities and resources are updated to meet the ever-changing needs of students. 


The grounds around the school provide ample space for playgrounds, a basketball court, football training area and a wildlife garden. The interior of the building is designed around a central courtyard equipped with play equipment for younger students. Classrooms are laid out in groups of 4 base rooms per area with a large shared learning/recreational area. There is a gymnasium and specialist rooms for Home Economics, Creative Arts, Speech & Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Resource teaching and Art Therapy. Administrative offices and a Staff Room are also available. 


Transport is provided for students to attend school and is administered by Bus Eireann. Applications for a place in the school should be made in writing to the Principal, care of the school address. See our Enrolment Policy for further details.


The school moved to our present location in 1979. This school was purpose built and underwent refurbishment in 2002/’03.

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St. Canice's Rd,


Dublin 11,

D11 VK64



[email protected]

School enrolments: 
[email protected]

Staff vacancies: 
[email protected]

Telephone: (01) 8370622
Fax: (01) 8379005