Core Principles

The Department of Education & Science has catagorised our school as a specialist centre for children and young people with a mild general learning disability. Many have additional problems such as emotional difficulties, speech & language disorders, behaviour problems, sensory difficulties and medical conditions. 

For these reasons our curriculum has been designed to give our students the best educational experience which is relevant to their needs. Curriculum development is extremely important and our curriculum is constantly being revised and updated to reflect the needs of students and educational advances in special and mainstream education. Parents, pupils, Board of Management and staff have worked together, and continue to do so, sharing ideas and expertise to keep our curriculum relevant and effective.


General Aims & Objectives

The overall aim of the school is to assist our students gain the necessary skills and knowledge to lead as independent a life as possible within the community.

The aims of the curriculum in Scoil Chiarain may be briefly summarised as follows:

  • To provide students with the necessary skills, abilities and experiences to enable him/her achieve the highest possible attainments and achievements, bearing in mind the nature, extend and effects of his/her learning disability as well as his/her talents, interests and needs.
  • To help students to adapt socially
  • To help students achieve their optimum level of personal independence in their community, their work and leisure time.
  • To help students become aware of both their talents and limitations, to accept them and be able to relate them to life after school – at work, at home and in the community.


Curriculum Areas

The curriculum is organised under 7 headings in both the primary and post-primary areas. They are as follows:

Motor Skills

  • Physical Education
  • Games
  • Leisure Activities
  • Athletics
  • Swimming
  • Dance
  • Development of Handwriting Skills
  • Woodwork


Language Development

  • Communication Skills
  • Development of Literacy Skills
  • Computer Skills



  • Numeracy
  • Measurement
  • Money
  • Time
  • Shape & Space
  • Data
  • Problem Solving


Social, Environmental & Scientific Education (SESE)

  • Science – Living Things, Energy & Forces, Materials and Environmental Awareness & Care.
  • Geography
  • History
  • Cultural Studies


Social, Personal & Health Education (SPHE)

  • SPHE including Stay Safe, Relationship & Sexuality Education (RSE), Walk Tall (Substance misuse programme)
  • CSPE – Civic, Social and Political Education
  • Prevocational Development
  • Home Economices


Creative Arts

  • Visual Arts
  • Drama
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Woodwork


Religious Education

The development of personal and social skills is central to the curriculum and is integrated into all areas of school life, both formally and informally. This is reflected in a conscious effort by school staff to extend the curricular experiences of the pupils within and beyond the school. Students are engaged in active learning and use the school and local environment to enhance their learning experiences.


Individual Education Plans

Parents and pupils are encouraged to become involved in the development of individual plans of work for students. These generally look at the areas of Maths, Language and personal development. Learning goals are set, reviewed and updated throughout the year and progress recorded in pupil’s personal files. 


Senior students are involved in FETAC programmes. (See FETAC section for further details.)

Latest News

19 June 2020
26 July 2021
12 October 2023




St. Canice's Rd,


Dublin 11,

D11 VK64



[email protected]

School enrolments: 
[email protected]

Staff vacancies: 
[email protected]

Telephone: (01) 8370622
Fax: (01) 8379005