School Uniform

Junior Area (Age 5 – 12 years)

The school uniform for the Junior Area is a navy tracksuit.  The tracksuit can be ordered from  Please also ensure that your child has the following:

  • White polo shirt
  • Dark shoes or runners 
  • A dark coloured coat or jacket as we take students out during the day and the weather is unpredictable. 


Middle Area  (Age 12 to 16 years)

We expect each child to be wearing their school uniform every day.  The uniform can be bought in a shop of your choice. 

The uniform for the Middle Area is as follows:

  • Boys & girls - Navy jumper or cardigan.  You may wish to purchase a crested jumper for your child.  The crested jumper is not compulsory but can be ordered online at 
  • Boys - navy trousers and white polo shirt ;   Girls – navy skirt, trousers or tunic and navy or white socks, tights, white polo top or blouse 
  • Dark shoes or runners 
  • Students should have a dark coloured coat or jacket as we take students out during the day and the weather is unpredictable. 
  • Please note that false eyelashes, false nails, tattoos and piercings are not permitted in school.  
  • Navy tracksuit, white polo shirt and runners are required for PE.


Senior Area (Age 16 to 18 years)

  • Boys & girls - Wine jumper or cardigan.  You may wish to purchase a crested jumper for your child.  The crested jumper is not compulsory but can be ordered online at
  • Boys - navy trousers and white polo shirt ;   Girls – navy skirt, trousers or tunic and navy or white socks, tights, white polo top or blouse 
  • Dark shoes or runners 
  • Students should have a dark coloured coat or jacket as we take students out during the day and the weather is unpredictable. 
  • Please note that false eyelashes, false nails, tattoos and piercings are not permitted in school.  
  • Navy tracksuit, white polo shirt and runners are required for PE.



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