Working together to support our children

The Parents’ Association of Scoil Chiaráin wishes to extend a warm welcome to the parents of all Scoil Chiaráin pupils. It is an exciting time for the school and the re-formed association; there now exists a great opportunity for both existing and incoming parents to have a meaningful input into their children’s’ education and we therefore urge all parents to come along to the AGM early in the upcoming school year and to get involved. Membership and involvement is not demanding and is very rewarding. You will be welcome to join us as we support the Board and staff of the school.


Contact Details:


Post to:                            

The Secretary                               

Parents Association

Scoil Chiarain

St. Canice’s Road,


Dublin 11.


Email Address:

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12 October 2023




St. Canice's Rd,


Dublin 11,

D11 VK64



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School enrolments: 
[email protected]

Staff vacancies: 
[email protected]

Telephone: (01) 8370622
Fax: (01) 8379005