Rewarding Student Achievement in all curricular areas



In 1997 a forward planning initiative highlighted the need for independent certification for our students on leaving school.

At the same time, a number of alternate programmes became available to enable more students to access the curriculum, to discourage early school leaving and to allow adults to re-enter the world of education. The staff of Scoil Chiarain examined these new programmes with interest and decided to adopt and develop the FETAC programme within the school.


What kind of Programme is this?

The programme currently offered in Scoil Chiarain is on a level with the Junior Certificate but is more flexible to meet the different learning needs and abilities of students. It is known as a Level 3 course. Each subject is called a module and students work towards achieving the targets set for each module. They are encouraged to build up a portfolio of their ongoing work as evidence of their progress. This portfolio may contain worksheets, written assignments, photographs, video clips, audio tapes/transcripts and diaries.

Students are also encouraged to keep track of their progress through the use of checklists with each module. There is no fixed time for completion of modules so students may have adequate time to cover the programme.


Do all pupils participate?

Yes. All senior pupils take a number of core modules and some students choose additional elective subject areas, just as in Secondary school. It is important that the programme is inclusive of all students.


Who assesses the result?

An external examiner is appointed by FETAC to visit the school to see the portfolios of completed work. Assessments are currently carried out twice a year. Certificates are issued to students for all successfully completed modules.


Is this certificate recognised beyond Scoil Chiarain?

Yes. FETAC is responsible for awarding certs for a wide range of courses throughout the education and training sector. The awards are internationally recognised records of achievement.


Modules covered include:

Core Modules

  • Art & Design
  • Caring for Children
  • Computer Literacy
  • Food & Cookery
  • Health Related Fitness
  • Outdoor Pursuits
  • Personal Effectiveness
  • Preparation for Work
  • Work Orientation


Elective Modules

  • Communications
  • Mathematics
  • Woodcraft (Level 4)
  • Swimming
  • Horticulture
  • Personal Care
  • Additional Art Modules (Level 4)


Scoil Chiarain is a registered provider of FETAC programmes having achieved a Quality Assurance Certificate from FETAC. School staff have developed and continue to improve the courses offered to students.


Latest News

19 June 2020
12 October 2023
26 July 2021




St. Canice's Rd,


Dublin 11,

D11 VK64



[email protected]

School enrolments: 
[email protected]

Staff vacancies: 
[email protected]

Telephone: (01) 8370622
Fax: (01) 8379005