Introduction: This policy on Homework is designed to clarify the issues relating to homework as they apply within our special school.

This policy has been drafted in accordance with current practice and feedback from parents.

Rationale: to clarify the school’s expectations in relation to homework and to assist parents in supporting students.

Purpose of Homework:

  1. To benefit pupil learning.
  2. To reinforce work done in class.
  3. To strengthen links between home and school.
  4. To encourage independence and responsibility in students.

Current Practice

      Not all children get homework every day.

      Teachers meet with parents in the first term to give a general overview of the work of the class group and suggest ways that parents can support children at home, depending on their age and stage of independence. These suggestions include assisting with household tasks, shopping activities, reading to children, etc.

      Parents, School staff and pupils meet to discuss the Individual Education Plan in October/November each year and discuss specific targets and areas for development. Parents are asked to support students at home with the development of these targets and are encouraged to liaise with the class team to report on progress.

      When children have reached a level of independence, an amount of homework may be sent home for completion. This is intended as practice relating to work done in class.

      For younger children, parents are expected to support and assist students and to sign completed assignments. It is not anticipated that this work would take more than 15 minutes. Parents will be advised that if the child is reluctant to complete the assignment they try to encourage them and if the child is unable to complete the work, they write a short note on the work to inform the teacher.

      For older students, unfinished class work or specific assignments may be given as homework. It is expected that these will be completed in 20 - 30 minutes and presented for correction to the teacher at the agreed time. Students may be asked to practice reading, complete worksheets, research a topic under discussion, watch a tv programme, etc in preparation for the next lesson on that topic. Failure to complete homework could mean that a student may miss some of their leisure time to complete the work in school.

      For some students specific requests may be made for families to practice skills learned at school, eg using public transport, ordering a meal in a restaurant, buying items in a shop and being responsible for their money, etc.

      Students do not generally have written homework to complete over the weekend or school breaks, although this may be a good time to practice life skills with the family.

      Parents are asked to consider the best time and place where students can complete homework as part of the family routine. Where parents have language or literacy problems, additional support will be given in school and homework assignments may be reduced.

      Students are asked to take responsibility for completing the homework to the best of their ability and to present it for correction.

      If pupils regularly do not complete homework assignments, parents may be asked to meet with the class team to discuss this issue and undertakings given that work will be supported at home.

Implementation: This policy will be explained to parents at the class meetings each year and support sought as and when necessary throughout the year.

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