Child Safeguarding Risk Assessment



1.    List of school activities


2.    The school has identified the following risk of harm in respect of its activities-


3.    The school has the following procedures in place to address the risk identified in this assessment -

Training of school personnel in Child Protection matters

Harm not recognised or reported promptly

Child Safeguarding Statement, DES procedures and Reporting Templates made available to all staff in yellow folders in each room throughout the school and copies to all school transport providers and bus escorts.


DLP& DDLP to attend PDST face to face training


All Staff to view Túsla training module & any other online training offered by PDST.


BOM records all records of staff and board training


Child Protection on Agenda at all BOM meetings and Oversight Report given by the Principal at the meeting


Child Protection on the Agenda at Staff Meetings for clarification and updates


Classroom Teaching

Harm by school personnel

Harm by school students

Physical abuse, Bullying

Teacher planning and preparation

Classroom Management

Staff supervision of students at all times

Awareness that other staff members can/will enter the room at any time.

Glass in door of classrooms to allow other school staff to look in and check what adults and staff are doing

Code of Behaviour policy

Teaching Council Code of Practice

Teaching of SPHE & RSE programmes

Stay Safe Programme covered annually and regularly

One to one teaching/activities

Harm by school personnel

Harm by school students

1:1 working with students is limited and only when absolutely necessary

Open doors and glass in Resource room and shared areas

Intimate care policy

Open plan teaching Areas glass doors and windows so passersby can see into the rooms

Glass in window of doors not covered

Easy access to room by other members of staff

Table between teacher and pupil

Teacher or other staff members to be informed or made aware that a child is having a 1:1 session

Teaching Council Code of Practice

Care of Children with special needs, including intimate care needs

Harm by school personnel

Harm by student

Policy on Intimate Care

Other staff to be made aware that the staff member is toileting a pupil. If assistance is required the staff follow the Intimate Care policy.

Other staff in the vicinity may check on staff and pupil at any time for child protection reasons

One student at a time in the Junior and Middle Area toilets.

Supervision of students using toilets from door and other staff made aware

SPHE teaching

Support from HSE OT (care plan)

Use of toilet/changing/shower areas in school


Inappropriate behaviour

Harm by other students

Harm by school personnel


Supervision of students by bus escort staff using the toilets before school and others made aware of destination. Escorts stand at the door to the toilets and seen by others. Door kept ajar.

Students supervised when they have to come in from the yard to use the toilets.

Staff on yard made aware that SNA is accompanying child who is going to the toilets. Staff member stands outside.

Students taught how to use the toilets and personal care as part of SPHE

Guidance and training given on procedures to new or staff doing a placement in our school

School rules on using the toilets taught and reinforced regularly

Teaching SPHE, Stay Safe, RSE

Two staff members with students using shower, one student in shower area at a time

Curricular Provision in respect of SPHE, RSE, Stay safe.

Non-teaching of same

School implements age/ability appropriate SPHE, RSE, Stay Safe in full every year

Teacher planning and monthly reports record when sessions covered (student attendance noted)

Stay Safe programme signed off by teacher in end of year report

LGBT Children/Pupils perceived to be LGBT


Harm to students

Anti-Bullying Policy

Supervision of students by staff

Code of Behaviour

Staff training by BeLong, CPD

School implements SPHE, RSE, Stay Safe in full every year

Meetings with professional agencies working with students

Daily arrival and dismissal of pupils

Harm from older pupils, unknown adults on the playground




Students permitted into school at 9am. Students coming into school  before this must be supervised by staff

Arrival and dismissal supervised by Teachers, SNA’s and bus escorts. 

Bus escorts will accompany students into school should they require the toilet before school starts.  They will not enter the toilet alone with a child but call on another adult if they need to assist a child in the toilet.

Caretaker and staff reporting of unidentified personnel on site & overseeing visitors to the school

Pupils to be escorted back to class by specialist teacher and handover given

Managing of challenging behaviour amongst pupils

Injury to pupils

Harm to pupil

Supervision of students by staff at all times

Behaviour planning by teaching staff, psychologists

Ongoing MAPA training for staff  

No physical restraint as per Behaviour Policy – de-escalation and calming techniques used and resolution after incidents or disagreements  

Door buzzers to Junior Areas

Health & Safety Policy

Code Of Behaviour

Key pad lock

Sports Coaches

Harm to pupils

School teaching staff always in room/area. Students never left alone with visitors or coaches

Vetting of coaches by school as per circular

Teacher or PE teacher always present and SNAs when required to support students

Students participating in work experience

Harm by student

Harm to pupils

Work experience induction by Principal/Deputy Principal, checks on vetting through college/school

Student not to be left alone with pupils or not to be given this responsibility

Student shown Child Protection Folder in each classroom and requested to become familiar with it. (Sign-up sheet)

Students supervised by teacher

Child Safeguarding Statement

Recreation/movement breaks for pupils

Harm to staff

Harm to Student

Adequate staffing and dispersal to all areas students are in

Glass in doors to allow other staff to look into areas

Awareness that staff can enter into areas at anytime

Class teacher direction/behaviour plan of supervised walk breaks – with SNA. 

Movement breaks/walks confined to path around school so can be seen from classrooms. Principal to be made aware of students who have walk breaks.

Code of Behaviour

Outdoor teaching activities

School Sports/Fun Days

Prize giving


Harm to students

Harm to staff


Teacher with SNA support to supervise students at all times

All students supervised by school staff

Students made aware of school rules both in and out of school

Code of Behaviour Policy 

Teaching Council code of practice

IEP plans and Behaviour plans in place

Parents required to inform staff if they are taking their child home or out of the supervision of staff

Grounds checked by Caretaker

Sporting Activities


Harm to students

Harm to staff

Teacher present always with SNA support

Code of Behaviour


Breakfast club


Harm to students

A teacher on duty

Breakfast set out by SNA

Health and Safety Policy

Supervision and teaching of students using electrical equipment

School outings


Harm from pupils

Harm from staff

Harm from unknown persons in the community

Class teacher with each class

Permission from parents/guardians to attend

SNA support with supervision

Intimate care policy

Vetting for all staff

Code of Behaviour

Ensure bus driver or others are vetted and not left alone with pupils

School trips involving overnight stay


Harm from pupils

Harm from staff

Harm from unknown persons in the community

Adequate supervision and teachers always with students

Teaching Council Code of Practice

Intimate care policy

Vetting for all staff

Code of Behaviour

Stay safe and RSE Education for students

Ensure bus driver is vetted and not left alone with pupils

Vetting of staff in appropriate overnight accommodation

Fundraising events involving pupils


Harm from pupils

Harm from unknown adults


Teacher always with students and SNA’s to supervise and support students

Permission from parents/guardians

Child Protection Policy

Code of Behaviour

SPHE, RSE, Stay Safe teaching

Use of off-site facilities for school activities

Harm to student by persons unknown

Class teacher present

Teacher and SNA support

Code of Behaviour

RSE, SPHE, Stay Safe SPHE teaching

Care of any vulnerable adult students, including intimate care where needed


Harm from student

Harm by staff member

Teacher supervision

Intimate care policy

Two staff when intimate care involves adult interaction

Other staff made aware two staff members with student

Management of challenging behaviour amongst pupils


Harm from adults

Harm to child


Code of Behaviour

De-escalation approach and resolution for students

SPHE teaching for students

Stay Safe teaching

MAPPA training

Behaviour plan


Interventions from support agencies/NEP’s

Administration of Medicine

Administration of First Aid


Harm to child

Administration of Medicines policy

Medical administration records kept and signed off

Always two adults present or overseeing administration of meds

Training for staff where necessary

First Aid training

Manual Handling and Manual Handling moving a person/child

Curricular provision in respect of SPHE, RSE, Stay Safe


Student vulnerable to harm

To be taught in January deemed wellness month every year for every student 2018/19

Repeated again and reinforced throughout the year 

In 2019/2020 Stay Safe topics taught each month and adapted for Senior Students aligned with SPHE

Prevention and dealing with bullying amongst pupils


Harm to student

Specific teaching through SPHE

Code of Behaviour

Anti bullying Policy

Bullying reported to BOM as per circular

Friendship programmes and initiatives covered by teaching staff

Training of school personnel in child protection matters


Harm to student

Failure of adults to follow procedure

On-line course Tusla regularly undertaken by staff and new staff

EPV courses

In-service courses

Use of external personnel to supplement curriculum

Harm to student

Teacher planning documents to include planning of materials covered

Communication to all school staff of visit – school diary, white board in staff room

All staff vetted working with pupils vetted

Parents/Guardians to be made aware of visit

Course material appropriate to students ability and age overseen by teacher

Teaching staff always present and SNA support for students

Care of pupils with specific vulnerabilities/ needs such as 

·         Pupils from ethnic minorities/migrants

·         Members of the Traveller community

·         Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) children

·         Pupils perceived to be LGBT

·         Pupils of minority religious faiths

·         Children in care

·         Children on CPNS

Harm to student












School Mission Statement

Code of Behaviour

Specific and explicit teaching of SPHE

Stay Safe and RSE Programmes to be covered with every class,

RE programme

Anti bullying Policy

Supervision of all students by teacher and SNAs at all times

Recruitment of school personnel including -

·         Teachers

·         SNA’s

·         Caretaker/Secretary/Cleaners

·         Sports coaches

·         External Tutors/Guest Speakers

·         Volunteers/Parents in school activities

·         Visitors/contractors present in school during school hours

·         Visitors/contractors present during after school activities


Harm not recognised or properly or promptly reported

Child Safeguarding Statement, Templates  & DES procedures made available to all staff

Staff to view Tusla training module & any other online training offered by PDST

Vetting Procedures

Child Protection to be covered in Staff Meetings and CPD

Health and Safety Policy

Teacher present and SNA supporting students and assisting with supervision

Secretary/Principal/Deputy or staff to greet visitors and take them to classroom or wait at Principal’s office until they can be assisted

Notice of visits recorded in school diary and staffroom notice board

Use of school premises by other organisations

Tuesday Youth Club

Blood Bank

Arch Club (Saturday)

Harm to students

Harm to staff

Students supervised by school staff  throughout the day

Authorised or expected visitors to be recorded in diary and on staffroom notice board

Visitors greeted by school staff

Office staff and Staff to monitor visitors to the school

Notice on door requesting visitors to report to office

Youth Club leaders on premises before members allowed into the building

Caretaker overseeing grounds/parking and Security for morning and evening and when parents/visitors come

Staff to stay with visitors


Use of Information and Communication Technology by pupils in school



In  appropriate use of social media

Student harmed 

Students to hand up their phones iPads when in school to be locked away

ICT policy

Filtering of internet access by NCTE

Additional in school filtering

Anti-Bullying Policy

Code of Behaviour

Data Protection

Direct teaching of Internet Safety to all students

Parents permission to show images

Adequate firewall and encryption of computers

Storage of school iPad’s and laptops in strong room when not in use

Students supervised on iPads, computers and laptops

Application of sanctions under the school’s Code of Behaviour including detention of pupils, confiscation of phones etc.



Harm to student

Students aware of sanctions and given opportunity to change behaviour

Code of Behaviour

Phone switched off/locked away

Parents permission/consultation if phones kept by staff

Area staff made aware of students in detention or in time-out (Records of date and length of timeout kept)

Students supervised

Care taken by staff that students in detention get time to eat lunch/snack

Anti-Bullying Policy

Student teachers undertaking training placement in school


Harm to student

Made aware of DLP and Deputy DLP

Access to Child Protection Folders in each room and asked to give an undertaking to make themselves familiar aware of the 

Not left alone with students

Supervised by class teacher or subject teacher

College supervision and vetting

Use of video/photography/other media to record school events

JCL2 Assessment

In appropriate images

Identified or diagnosis identified and at risk – child protection

Data Protection policy

Internet safety taught in class/Stay Safe Programme

No name or personal information on school photos placed on Twitter/school website or other media

Parents/guardians permission

School cameras/iPad’s provided

After school use of school premises by other organisations



Harm to students

Organisations vetted and staff vetting

Qualified groups or Parents present

Permission from the BOM

Caretaker or School Staff present




Important Note:  It should be noted that risk in the context of this risk assessment is the risk of  “harm” as defined in the Children First Act 2015 and not general health and safety risk.  The definition of harm is set out in Chapter 4 of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post- Primary  Schools 2017


In undertaking this risk assessment, the board of management has endeavoured to identify as far as possible the risks of harm that are relevant to this school and to ensure that adequate procedures are in place to manage all risks identified.  While it is not possible to foresee and remove all risk of harm, the school has in place the procedures listed in this risk assessment to manage and reduce risk to the greatest possible extent.


This risk assessment has been completed by the Board of Management on .  It willl be reviewed as part of the school’s annual review of its Child Safeguarding Statement.












Signed _____________________________________ Date ________________




Chairperson, Board of Management






Signed _____________________________________ Date ________________




Principal/Secretary to the Board of Management




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